For any home business it is extremely exciting to start your own business. Before you get started, there are several things you must have. Of course, every business is not the same, but for any business to work well everything needs to be in order. The following post will give you a good idea of what you need to do to be prepared.
You need a computer for your business
A decent home computer or laptop is vital if you expect to run a lucrative business from home. While a lot of what you do may not be on the computer, it is important that you stay up on what is happening out in cyberspace. While there are computers out there that cost a bundle, you do not have to go that far, there are plenty that you can find that are in a more modest price range and will help you get the job done. Buying a refurbished one is a good idea, but make sure if you do that there is some type of warranty on it.
Any home business should have its own phone number
You should not have businesspeople calling the same line that you use for personal calls. While it is a money saver, it also threatens to make you look like you are not very professional. If you cannot afford a separate line, you should answer the phone all the time like it may be a business call. You can explain to those closest to you why you must do this, so no one is confused.
There are plenty of options out there for getting your own business number. You could have a landline installed and get a number through your local phone service. Or you could go the mobile route, Google Voice has free phone mobile numbers that you can use for your business. If you want to go with something with more features, there is eVoice. eVoice makes it easy to set up directories, extensions, and even provides a virtual receptionist.
For more business tools check out our Business Operations Resource page.
Get your name out there with business cards
Get personalized business cards made. They are not expensive at all. For just a few bucks, you can get hundreds of cards with anything you want on them. Look online for exclusive deals on business cards. There are several sites that offer discounts all over the web. If you can, spend extra to get nice font and gloss on the cards. Those are things that make you seem more distinguished.
Vistaprint is one of the better businesses to use for business cards.
All home businesses need a professional email address
Work on getting a legitimate email address that is not a web email. Those free email providers are good for personal email, but they give people the impression that you are not really all about business. If you have a website, you should have email sent directly to the site. Be sure to search online for business emails you can consider if that is not an option.
When you start to look for your own domain, check out our Website Hosting page to get started on setting up your own website and custom email address.
Need to stand out? Get a logo
Producing a logo is something that is not as simple as it sounds. the logo you select will be the way that people recognize you and your business. You need to produce something that thoroughly represents you and what your business is all about. Be careful of being too unique and out of the box. You want customers to be able to look at your logo and get a general idea of what you have to offer.
Fiverr is a wonderful place to get a logo designed for just a few dollars. There are many individuals who offer their talents as graphic designers and more.
These are a few simple things any home business needs to get started
Having these several items will have you looking like a home business professional in no time. While it will be a lot of challenging work to get your name and business out there, these tips will help you get on the right track.
Want to get some more in-depth training on starting your own online business? Check out our Training Programs & Resources page.
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