Solo Ad Vendors

Solo Ads

Solo ad vendors are a key part of both affiliate marketing as well as email marketing campaigns. While targeted marketing will get you a more ideal customer, solo ad marketing is a unique opportunity to cast a wide net. You may even gain potential customers that have a connection to not only the niche you are marketing to, but others as well.


Udimi is a solo ads marketplace where sellers and buyers contact each other to trade solo ads deals. The site is free to sign up and the best thing about Udimi is how fast you can start with it. What makes this solo ads marketplace different from other solo ads websites is that Udimi guarantees the traffic. This is a great avenue to begin getting your offer in front of potential customers.

superior solos

Superior Solos

Superior Solos is a solo ad vendor who allows you to target specific niches. Unlike other solo ad marketplaces, Superior Solos broadcasts your offer for you, and they guarantee 100% real traffic. They use AWeber as their autoresponder, so if you use AWeber you are familiar with how that works, as far as how they broadcast to their subscribers list.

Easy Solo Ads is different from other solo ad vendors, in that it is a subscription service. They offer to help with ad writing, and targeted marketing. The nice part about Easy Solo Ads, is that most of the work is done for you. Although it does of course come at a price. Their cheapest plan starts at $27.00/month.

Solo Vendor

TrafficBig solo ads is the creation of solo ad vendor James Jordan, a former Udimi solo ad vendor, Jordon offers high quality solo advertising without the surcharge of other platforms. Along with tier one traffic, lists are refreshed daily. Also TrafficBig provides a detailed statistical report after each campaign.

Disclaimer: Please be aware, I may receive affiliate compensation for some of the links above at no cost to you if you decide to purchase a paid plan. You can read my affiliate disclosure in my privacy policy.


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