Online and at Home: Advertising Your New Home Business

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Advertising your home business on your own can be a tricky process and requires a marketing strategy much different than big businesses. Taking the ball for yourself and generating public interest will be required if you plan to start a home business. There are some certain steps you should adhere to prepare yourself and market properly.

Where can you begin advertising?

First, consider the marketing platforms available and which of the above would be best suited for your needs. For instance, you have mobile marketing, social media marketing, strong SEO articles, and pay-to-click advertisements in many cases. Most businesses utilize a mixture of the above. However, for a small home-business, you may have to choose to work within only one or two at first and grow from there. In most cases, you’ll want to use search engine optimization. Producing quality content to increase your rank on sites like Google and Yahoo. Other options are available and widely successful, but SEO is the most common and easy to utilize.

Having a website is a great place to have information about your business and have as a piece of advertisement. If you do not have a website yet, go to our Website Hosting Page to get more information. But how do you get people to your website? There are a few methods to do so.

Paid traffic

You can generate traffic by placing ads with Microsoft, or Google. Most are pay per click. Meaning if someone clicks on your ad, you are charged. The downside to this is, it cost money, and not every person that clicks on an ad to go to your website will be a paying customer.

Free traffic

The best traffic for advertising by far is free organic traffic. This is produced by what would be considered word of mouth online. Social media sites are the best places. Now a word of caution, while some social media platforms do allow for paid advertisements, you need to follow the rules of what they allow, or you could very well end up getting banned from that platform. So organic sharing and contacts are the best way to go. Often you need to create quality content to get organic momentum. But you can begin with networking with your existing friends, like of Facebook for instance.

For some ideas of different platforms you can use, go to our Social Media Resource Page.

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Expand your advertising horizons beyond the internet

With a home business, not all advertising needs to be on the Internet. You can utilize print materials, such as Newspapers or magazine articles. Find out what local options are available and do your best to grab a spot on a page or two. It’s a good idea to try to advertise with your local area at the same time. This could include placing fliers at certain stores or including your brand on a popular radio station. Don’t confine your corporate effort to a URL.

Using search engine optimization for advertising

Even though you don’t want to stick entirely to Internet marketing, it’s obvious that you should utilize the Internet. It is important to do your best to get your image online when possible. The web will be your most powerful marketing tool and your online presence will be the key in making it from the couch to the penthouse. A company currently can’t exist without strong online marketing strategies and as discussed; search engine optimization (SEO) is the best route for a new business owner to get the publicity you need.

For tools to better utilize SEO, go to our Advertising and SEO Tools Page.

Appearances is everything online

To create a powerful online image for advertising, you’re going to need a website, and this might require a clever web designer. Unless you plan to handle your website coding yourself, you’ll need to hand out the job to a third-party. If you can grab some assistance with the design and implementation of your domain and its tools. Outsourcing such tasks might seem like it costs more than it’s worth at first. Outsourcing can be a great investment and entirely necessary if you wish to keep any free time to yourself. One place to go to get affordable support with web design is Fiverr. There are many talented individuals there looking for side gigs, and can easily create logos, set up web pages, about anything.

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Are you ready to begin advertising for your home business?

Online advertising and traditional paper options are both powerful and effective in marketing a home business. Growing in rank and becoming the empire of your dreams will require a lot of time and effort on your behalf, but with smart marketing decisions like those above, this time can be cut in half. Make smart approaches and learn from your mistakes and your company will benefit without end.

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