Search Engine Hacks For Business Sites You Should Know

Search Engine Hacks
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Search Engines are one of many ways you can boost the amount of visitation that your business homepage gets. You should utilize all of them to get the most business that you can. When prospects can easily find your site, you have the chance to sell your products and services to them. Keep reading for more on this.

Make use of Google’s Keyword Planning Tool

If you want traffic, you must accomplish two things. First, you must rank within the first page of results for a keyword, preferably near the top. Second, you must optimize for keywords that people are searching for. Google’s Keyword Planning Tool can tell you what people are searching for in recent history.

For more tools like Google’s Keyword Planner, go to our Advertising Resources Page.

Search engines are looking for keywords

Your homepage name should incorporate a keyword itself, but the title should have the three most popular keywords. While it is true that search engine crawlers are going to look at all the text on your page, they do give preferential treatment to titles and meta tags over regular content.

Avoid keyword stuffing

Never flood your content with keywords. This is called keyword stuffing, and search engines recognize it for what it is: an artificial attempt to generate traffic through abuse of the search engines. Right now, you want your keyword density to be about 1-2 percent of your text. Anything more than that is going to get recognized as deliberately trying to game the system, even if a higher percentage is accidental.

Backlinks are still powerful in terms of landing yourself a good search engine ranking. The more links you have pointing to your website from elsewhere on the Internet, the better. Still, if you have influence over those links, then you want certain factors to work for you.

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First, you want relevant links. The pages they are pointing from need to be parallel in content to the part of your website they are pointing to.

Second, you want recent links. Search engines constantly review the timestamps of links, and content that is not updated regularly is considered stale and starts sinking in search engine opinion.

Do not neglect the power of social media marketing

Have at least three accounts for your website. Spread these across Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. Every time you have a special, deal, discount, new blog entry or just fun or valuable content, post a news blip about it on your three accounts. These are both good for recent and relevant backlinks as well as getting the word out to prospective readers and clientele.

Go to our Social Media Resources Page for more information.

Avoid black hat search engine techniques

Know what the current Black Hat search engine optimization techniques are and stay away from them. Search engines also know what they are and make quarterly changes to their engine algorithms to punish those that use them and deindex those sites completely.

Keep up to date on Google algorithm changes

Also, keep up with recent changes to the Internet. The next big search engine or social media platform to launch into being a major player is one that you want to be ready for. Google and Facebook are not going anywhere anytime soon, but are you optimized for Bing and Tout? Even if they are not going to be the top dogs at what they do, and you should be a part of them.

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Are you ready to use search engines for success?

Putting a good search engine optimization plan into place is not only a clever idea, but also essential if you genuinely want to make the most of your business online. Use the ideas above to find success.

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