Top 5 SEO Techniques That You Need

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What are the top 5 SEO techniques? They say in real estate that the secret to success is location. The most profitable restaurants and gas stations are the ones on the corners of busy intersections. Websites are no different if you want visitors, traffic, revenue, and sales opportunities. You want the number one search engine listing for your key phrase so that you stand out above the rest. To learn these tricks read the post below.

If you ever have a choice in what kinds of websites provide you backlinks, then try to aim for ones with high page rank. There are various levels of page rank, usually one through eight, shown as PR1, PR2, etc. The higher the site, the longer it has been around, even if through multiple owners. Search engines really value these anchor sites in their algorithms, since high PR sites are as old as some of the original algorithm code. Links from these sites are given far more weight than links from smaller and newer pages.

H1 and H2 tags are critical to SEO

One little discussed trick in SEO is the h1 tag. It usually stands for heading number one, and it tells the search engine crawlers what your page’s main title is. Whatever words you put in your h1 title tags should also be represented within the context of the page itself. The search engines will see this pairing and presume relevancy to the keywords provided, trusting your content to be good to show for anyone searching those keywords.

You might think that search engine optimization is something you can do until you are number one and then you can forget about it. You can do that, but you will not stay number one for long. Links fade over time in terms of relevancy and recency, which are both factors that search engines use to rate the quality of links. So, you realistically need to get in the habit of seeking out other websites to link to you. Google in particular rates sites by how popular they are with other websites, based on number of links. This is how Google was able to keep producing spot-on search results even as the overall number of them mushroomed.

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Want more than the top 5 SEO techniques? If you want to know how well you are doing with backlinks, check out this tool:

Get specific to get noticed with SEO

If you ever do content about a big or broad topic, there is a chance that your article will range over several sub-topics. It makes sense to break these up into individual pages. Multiple smaller pages are easier for readers to go through, and you can even do some optimization for each page’s keyword.

Meta tags are no longer as important in weighing SEO

There was a time where Meta Tags were the hands-down single most critical factor that search engines counted on in ranking your site. That time has long since passed, yet they still matter some. So, make sure that every page of your website has them because the text you put in the meta description is what search engines show in the search results. Surfers will decide whether to visit your page based on these.

Now that you have the top 5 SEO techniques, what is next?

Now that you have read this blog, you know five steps that you can take within the world of search engine optimization. Use these as part of your overall strategy to take the number one listing in your niche and stay there!

If you want more tips and tricks, check out our Resources Page.

Additional Resources

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